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How is fupre post utme like?

We made this post to give fupre post utme candidates a good idea of what fupre post utme is like, The post is based on past post utmes, specifically 2013 to 2017.

First of all fupre post utme is normally a written exam, not oral or document screening (except in 2016 when JAMB cancelled post utme exms).

From past questions (2013 to 2015) the exam normally consists of five different subjects; English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

Each subject has an average of fiften questions, sometimes more and students can score a maximum of 50 marks i.e the exam is marked over 50.

To be honest that's all you need to know about fupre post utme but you can ask questions using the comments section below or our facebook page.

Like I said that's all you need if you need more aproco (story), then you can keep on reading.

Ok..story time.

My name is Oteri, a graduate of the Department of Physics, I applied for FUPRE admission 3 times before I was offered Physics, and I pray that won't be your portion.

I know alot of people that get admitted the first time they try so it's not new.

The first time I applied for Petroleum Engineering, second time I applied for Mechanical Engineering and the third time I applied for Electrical/Electronics Engineering.

There is a reason why I changed departments every year, for of the first year (petroleum engineering) I discovered that it is literally the most competitive department to fight for in fupre... Almost 50% of fupre post utme applicants normally apply for petroleum engineering... So its very difficult to get into petroleum if you are a mere mortal (lol i mean average student).

So if you your jamb score is average or low and you are not confident of post utme... Applying to study petroleum engineering in the federal university of PETROLEUM resources might not be a good idea. If you dont believe me just wait till the post utme day.

The second year (mechanical engineering), there was mass failure in fupre post utme that year so with a relatively low score you could get in... But the problem was I was part of those that constituted the mass failure... So I could not get in.. My score was actually like 2 marks below the rumoured cut off mark. But Thank God sha because Mechanical Engineering was not my calling, I was just going to study it to please somebody.

The third and final year, I applied for Electrical/Electronics Engineering... My score was good, from what I gathered one can normally gain admission with that score but unfortunately there was mass success this year (lol)... The score I taught was high was actually very average when compared with what others scored.

First Batch Admission List was released but I was not offered admission. So, once again I was in a struggle for admission... At this time I was very desperate and ready to give up on University... Different thoughts started going through my mind. three years after graduating from secondary school no admission... I would have been in 300L by now.

To cut the story short, I was offered Physics in 2nd or 3rd Batch, I cant really remember but it was kind of a dream come true. The plan was to get in with physics then switch to electrical but that's a story for another day.

There are a lot of useful information on fupreblog so feel free to explore.


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