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Fupre Post Utme Screening

Fupre post UTME screening form 2017 is out.

The Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun hereby invites all candidates who scored 180 and above and applied for admission into the University as first choice in the 2017 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examinations (UTME) to apply for the Post UTME Screening Exercise. Registration for the screening will commence from Wednesday, 30th August, 2017.

The date for the Post UTME Screening exercise is Wednesday 20th September 2017, time is 8AM.

Registration closes on Friday 15th  September, 2017.

Registration Instructions
==> Candidates are expected to make a payment of Two Thousand Naira (N2000) Only via the university portal

==> After payment, click on APPLY NOW and enter your transaction ID and click continue

==> Fill the registration form carefully and correctly

==> Carefully enter your OLevel Result details

==> Scan and upload a recent passport photograph measuring 300 X 300 pixels of not more than 50KB in JPEG format snapped on red background with two ears showing

==> Verify the information entered, thereafter click SUBMIT if you are satisfied

==> Print your confirmation page

==> Login with your JAMB Registration Number and Password after registration to download Past Questions.

What You Should Know
==> Make sure all forms are correctly filled as mistakes may lead to disqualification.

==> Make sure you use a password that you can easily remember to enable easy access to results and admission confirmation portal.

==> Make sure you use a functional email addresses and phone numbers to enable the University contact you in the course of the admission exercise

==> Mobile Phones are not allowed during the screening exercise.

That’s all.


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