This write up is meant to help newly admitted students secure Accommodation in fupre
The task of securing accommodation or an apartment begins with two questions.
If you are looking to secure an apartment for yourself off campus then you need to ask yourself these questions
1 What Size of Apartment and What exactly is my Budget?
The size of the apartment you choose may likely depend on your budget, or may even determine budget. but its very important to have a target in mind because it makes the task a lot easier.
So if you have a OK budget expect a OK apartment, but if your budget is NICE expect a NICE apartment. It all depends on your taste.
You can get an aapartment in fupre for the price range below, depending on its size
One Room Apartment - betweeen 4k to 5k per month
BedSitter Apartment - between 8K to 15k per month
Two Bedroom Apartment - between 15 to 20k per month
3 Where exactly should the Apartment be Located?
Fupre is close to three Communities - Ugbmoro, Iteregbi and Ugolo. Whichever you decide to stay depends on you..... but its important to make the decision on time. Sometimes, students just want a nice Apartment in any Location.
As soon as you have the answer to those questions, The next step would be to secure an agent.
Secure An Agent
Its important to let your agent know what size of apartment you are looking for or what your budget is. You might also want to tell him/her your preferred location. With this info the whole process of getting the right accommodation for you would be easier.
If you don't have an Agent yet you can call fupreblog's recommended agent on 0703 025 6645 via WhatsApp
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