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Fupre Medical Screening

Fupre Medical Screening for 2016/2017 admitted students officially began last year but was put on hold because of the early Christmas break, and herein are some things I thought all concerned parties should know.

What’s the purpose of Medical Screening?
Obviously, Fupre won’t want to have any student with a viral disease like HIV AIDS or something, so they have to do medical screening to know your health status.

What I sometimes wonder is what would happen to someone if he/she is found to be a carrier of such disease.

The second reason why I feel they do medical screening is to know students who have minor health issues like Asthma and the rest, so they can give such students special attention.

Another reason is so students can have a file in the University Health Centre, so they know how best to treat students and what drugs to prescribe in the event that he/she becomes ill.

What happens in Medical Screening?
A couple of tests are done in Medical Screening, each with its own purpose. These tests are listed below.

X-Ray: A Chest X-Ray is done, not to sound Ignorant but I don’t really know what they are looking for in someone’s chest, maybe for a lung infection or something of the sorts.

Blood Test: Obviously, a lot can be obtained from a blood test, like blood group, HIV status and the rest.

Urine Test: they also need a urine sample, so get ready to pee in a small sample container.

That’s it, once you’re done with those tests, the doctor does an interview, then you are given your medical card and a letter of fitness.

Your letter of fitness is just a document that specifies that you have been screened and you are fit to be admitted into the institution.

Make sure you keep this document and all other documents you have been given during your screening safe, because you might need them during your final year clearance.

Happy New Year !!! from the entire fupreblog team.


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