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Churches/Fellowships You Can Find In Fupre

These are the following churches you can find in FUPRE:
1. Foursquare Gospel Church FsfFupre | Website | Facebook

2. Mountain of Fire Ministries Ministries

3. Anglican Student Fellowship

4. Redeemed Christian Fellowship

5. The Holy Christian fellowship

6. Gospel Student Fellowship

7. Summit Fellowship International

8. God’s Kingdom Society Student Fellowship

9. Adventist Student Fellowship

10. The Lord Chosen Campus Fellowship

11. Watchman Catholic Charismatic Campus Fellowship

12. Deeper Life Student Fellowship

13. New Covenant Family

14. God’s Grace Ministry

15. Dunamis International Gospel Center

16. Winners Campus Fellowship

17. House On The Rock

18. Catholic Student Fellowship

19. Trem Campus Fellowship TCF

To add your church/fellowship please send a message to our facebook page


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