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Add Mission To Your Admission By Marospen

 I want to start by congratulating every aspirant who gained admission into the Federal University of Petroleum Resources, FUPRE

This article is dedicated to you all. Now For most of you, gaining admission was quite a Herculean task, after writing your SSCE, UTME, then Post UTME. Congratulations! But the question is: Why are you here

         For some time now, this has been the title of a series of articles by a good friend of mine, POJOMATICS

When the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable. 
This article however, stands in stark contrast with that series in that, it is subject sensitive-directed specifically to you great 100 level students of the Federal University of Petroleum Resources—the first in Africa and sixth in the world. 

Now that you have gained admission into FUPRE, it is paramount to note that in order to succeed, you need a mission, hence the title ADD mission! 

Your Mission

       => Have Clearly Defined Goals
You have to clearly define why you are here. Is it your innate desire to badge a first class or would a second class upper be okay for you? 

Do you desire to make a name in FUPRE before leaving or would you rather lie low? 

Whatever your plans, dreams or aspirations are, I strongly recommend that you draft them out NOW. I mean write them out in your notepad and and think of what you can do to achieve them! Do not procrastinate!

Yes, it is true that you may not have all the information you need at your finger tips right now but with whatever tools you have at your disposal, start making earnest effort to achieve those dreams of yours. 

=> Those who do not make good use of history make more mistakes than their predecessors
What is the point? Each phase you will go through and every challenge you will encounter has already been handled by someone before you. It would only be wise to ask these ones questions to see how they were able to cope, overcome or manage their challenges successfully so that you do not make the same mistakes they did or even worse, lose track completely. 

Learning from your own personal experiences sometimes goes with grievous consequences. How much better it would be to learn from the experiences of great ones who have experienced these themselves. This platform hopes to make that possible. Ask questions! 

Do you know that admission into FUPRE does not in anyway guarantee that you will leave with a bachelor's degree? Yes, this is an ineluctable fact. Scores of students are withdrawn from the system every session as a result of not being able to meet the minimum CGPA. In one of our upcoming articles, this CGPA concept will be elaborated so that you can understand it better. But for now, the fact remains that if you do not meet the stipulated CGPA, you may have to abort your degree program prematurely and be welcomed back home shamefully by the same people who proudly bid you farewell— God forbid. For this reason at least, you ought to aim high so that you do not suffer this bad fate.

=> keep Good Company
 What is more, whether you believe it or not, the company you keep while in school will go a long way in affecting your overall performance either positively or negatively. 

Friends have a great influence on our behavior and personality. For this reason, endeavor to move with only those who will force you go level up rather that lag. True , as a university student , it may not be a good idea to be completely uptight, but even at that , make sure you keep close company only with those who are headed in the same direction as you. 

Be friendly but do not make everyone your friend. Be a friend to everybody and a friend to nobody.

=> Make a reading schedule and stick to it!
Irrespective of how many lectures or extra tutorials you attend, personal study (or JACKING as we call it), will go a long way in determining how much success you will have. 

For this reason, always set aside time to study on your own and do so as often as is practicable. How many hours could you possibly study in a day so as to achieve your desired goal? Decide this and write it out then be determined to stick with it. 

In a nutshell, ADD MISSION TO YOUR ADMISSION and you are sure to be successful in this renowned citadel of learning!

          This is all for now, carefully meditate on this salient points and your stay in FUPRE will be more blissful. Was this helpful? Apparently! Feel free to always stop by this blog to receive first hand information and reliable tips on how to succeed in FUPRE.

This article was originally written by Marospen and was recently edited by Oteri Avwunudiogba

CEO at maroson corp
Tutor at Trailblazers Tutorial FUPRE 08130826265


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