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14 Things Every Fresher Should Know

Congratulations !!!, if you’re reading this then you probably made it into fupre. 
As a fupre fresher, or maybe you prefer “100L Student” there are some basic things you should know.

You are probably going to find out about these things later on, but its better you know them on time, so you don’t repeat some of the mistakes I made.

1. Your Courses
Its very important that you know the courses you are supposed to offer on time, so you don’t attend classes that are not meant for you, or miss classes that are meant for you.

The best way to know the courses you are supposed to offer is make use of your departmental or college hand book, this handbook contains all the courses you are supposed to offer from your first year to your final year.

The only problem is you may not be given the handbooks as soon as you resume, the solution to this problem is to make use of the fupreblog syllabus page, it contains the complete list of courses for all departments in fupre and description of the course contents.

2. Your Course Rep
Your Course Rep is similar to a Secondary School Prefect but with some differences obviously, Your Course Rep or the Course Rep of your Department is usually elected by your fellow Course Mates, for Example if you are in Petroleum Engineering 100L your course rep will be elected by 100L Petroleum Engineering Students.

It’s very important that you don’t overlook or underrate this election process because your Course Rep will be deciding the fate of the whole Department.

So just make sure you are involved in electing a competent Course Rep, you might even choose to be the Course Rep for your Department but be warned it’s not an easy job.

If your department already has one just make sure you have a personal relationship with this person, when I say “personal” I don’t mean anything weird so don’t get it twisted.   

3. Attendance
Attendance is something you should never play with in Fupre, especially at your level, Most Lecturers give free 10 marks just for perfect attendance and trust me ten marks can save your soul in Fupre.

The people with the best attendance are not necessarily the people who attend the most classes, they are just the ones who sign the most attendance sheets, so make sure you don’t miss out on signing attendance sheet.

If you’re in class and you don’t sign attendance, it will be assumed that you were not in class.

This is the reason why I encourage you to have a personal relationship with your Course Rep because he/she will be in charge of getting and sending attendance sheets to Lectures, also make sure your department has attendance sheet as soon as possible and keep your signature consistent.

4. Class
More than 50% of what you do in class is what shows up in your text or exam, take classes seriously especially Mathematics, make sure you can solve everything done in class on your own.

5. Lab
You won’t be allowed into any Lab without your Lab Coat and Shoe, Lab Coat will be provided by Fupre.

So take note of Lab Days and make sure you have your materials ready.

Attendance in the Lab is also very important.

 Also make sure your Laboratory Reports are submitted on time and make sure it’s well written; if possible use your best handwriting, because each Lab Report has its own score, which will be added to your final Lab Score at the end of the Semester, and it will determine your overall grade.

Also listen to the Lab Technologists carefully, not all repeat what they’ve said before, even what they said at the beginning of the semester you might not hear till the end.

6. Past Questions
Some Departments like repeating Questions, Studying past questions is one hack most fuprites use.

Make sure the Department is notorious for repeating questions and also do your normal reading because they might just decide to set new questions this year.

Fupreblog can boast of the biggest digital past questions collection in fupre, so take advantage of it.

7.  Learn How to Calculate your GPA
When you resume you will be hear Lectures talk about GPA or CGPA.

GPA stands for Grade Point Average while CGPA stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average.

Your GPA is basically your Semester Result; while your CGPA is what determines the class of degree you will be graduating with and also what determines if Fupre is going to withdraw your admission or put you on probation.

I talked more on how to calculate and improve your GPA in this blog post. or maybe you will prefer to use the fupreblog grade point calculator.

8. Apply For A Scholarship
Most University Scholarships are only open to 100L and 200L students, it would be very wise to apply for one now before its too late. You don’t have to be the most intelligent student, just apply.

We have made a list of scholarships you should apply or watch out for.

9. Follow Fupreblog On Social Media
Fupreblog is the ultimate online platform for fupre students, every crucial information about fupre is updated on fupreblog, things like lecture time table, exam time table, academic calendar, campus news, school fees, past questions, music by fupre students, campus events and lots more. So make sure you follow fupreblog on Social Media so you don’t miss a thing.
Add Fupreblog on Google Plus

10. Read
It should go without saying that you have to read a lot!, after all anything worth doing is worth doing well and University is usually a once in a lifetime opportunity, do your best to come out with a good degree that won’t make you feel like you’ve wasted your time.

11. Learn Something Good From Your Peers
Its very likely that the majority of things that you are going to learn in the University will not be in the traditional classroom setting, its also likely that you are going to be in a class room with all kinds of people - Geniuses, Programmers, Instrumentalists, Singers, Dancers, Athletes, Good People, Bad People, and so on.

The things you learn from these people may actually affect your life more than the course you came to study in fupre….. You can choose to learn, The Good, The Bad or even The Ugly.

I would advice you to learn something good from your peers, the people you choose to learn from don’t have to be in the same level or department. 

12. Plan For Life After School
University might just be the last thing your parents or Guardians will sponsor in your life, after University most parents will assume they have given you the basic tools to succeed in Life, so just have that at the back of your mind.

Here are some recommended books, that will help you position yourself for success in life after school. The best time to read these books is while you are in school.

13. The Most Important
After attending all the classes and signing all the attendance sheets, and reading the unreadable, and writing exams, the most important thing at the end of the day is where you will spend eternity.

The absence of Light is Darkness; do you have the Light of God? Stay close to your God and pray after every Exam, because your Test/Exam Script can easily be misplaced. It’s not common in Fupre but it’s possible.

14. Ask Questions
Even though I would like to be able to read your mind, I cant…. So if you have any pain points don’t be shy just ask.. You can make use of the comment form below or send me a personal message on Facebook  Whichever you choose know that the fupreblog team is here for you.

Thanks for reading, and congratulations once again.


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