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Fupre Clearance Requirements

This article contains all necessary clearance requirements for newly admitted fupre students.

1.   Jamb Result
You can print your jamb result from Jamb Website

2.   Jamb Admission Letter
You can also print your Jamb Admission Letter from their website, but admission letter printing usually requires purchase of Jamb scratch card. The Jamb Admission Letter you need to print is the one marked Institutions Copy.

3.   Fupre Admission Letter
Fupre admission letter is just a print from fupre website that shows your admission status, all you have to do is login to their utme portal and print it.

4.   O Level Result
Your O Level result is another requirement, i.e your WAEC, NECO, GCE, NABTEB or whatever result you have.

5.   Scratch Card
Fupre needs scratch card to verify your O Level Result, and you will be required to provide that. So those with WAEC result should provide WAEC scratch card while those with NECO should provide NECO scratch card and so on.

6.   Birth Certificate or Age Deceleration
Birth Certificate is usually the first choice but if you can’t get your hands on that you can use your age deceleration.

7.   Local Government of Origin
Local Government of Origin is a document that proves you are from a specified local government, if you don’t have one a good place to start enquiry is your local government council.

8.   Passports
Normally Fupre uses red background Passports; you will need at least four.

9.   Post Card
Post Card is basically a picture of yourself, from your head to your feet, you  don’t really need to smile or pose… they just want to know how you look like.

You will need at least two photocopies of all the documents listed above, in addition to the original making it three copies.

These are just the requirements for school clearance, there will also be department, college and medical clearance. Not to mention course registration.

If you need accommodation call 07012413480 or add me on Facebook. #FupreLife begins.


  1. Thank you... Please will there be 2nd list?

  2. from previous experience fupre normally releases more than 1 list


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