Fupre Student Develops Shopping Website and Operating System

Editor-in-Chief of Fupreblog (Oteri Avwunudiogba) caught up with  Prince Ekemini Darlington, a 200L student of the department of mathematics and computer science. 

Prince is popularly known in the fupre programming community as arguably the best programmer. we heard about the e-commerce shopping website and Operating System he developed, and just had to do an interview.

Good Afternoon, Mr. Prince... anyone with little knowledge of how the internet works probably knows that developing a website or some sort of software usually requires knowledge of computer programming.... how much experience do you have in this field. 

Prince - I have 5 years experience as a software developer 

let's talk about the e-commerce website you developed ( www.weyd.com.ng) ... can we get some information about what it's all about.. why you created it and how exactly is it different from other shopping sites out there... the likes of jumia, konga and the rest. 

Prince - Weyd which simply means "whatever you do",  differs from other online market and stores with the aid of the suggest category feature. Because on other platforms, they do not give users any option of defining their category, so weyd came to make correction on the part of which e-commerce sites / online markets keeps their categories static; thereby limiting the access of users from going beyond the provided categories. 

How much work went into developing weyd, in terms technical skill and hours spent. 

Prince - I started weyd in the month of june 2016, and we officially launched in MAY 2017. I  spent up-to about 9 to 10+ months developing weyd alone. 

let's talk about the Operating System (Soodar Linux) .. please for the benefit of our readers who don't know exactly what an OS is.... please give us an overview of what and OS is and the OS you developed. 

Prince -  An operating system is a software that controls the basic functions of a computer system. I created a linux distribution operating system due to the facts that linux has more advantage over windows in terms of speed, security and graphics environment. Soodar Os is basically a developer operating system with upto or close to about 20 pre-installed development tools, along side with other basic hacking tools pre-installed. 

what types of device does the OS run on and why yours is different from what we already used to. 

Prince -  The operating system runs on laptop and desktop computers or server system. The reason why Soodar Os is different from others is it pre-installed tools feature, unlike other Os that comes with few or no pre-installed development tools. 
How much work went into developing Soodar Linux, again in terms of technical skill and hours spent. 

Prince -  Actually, Soodar linux is not completely ready for launch or commercial use yet, but I've spent upto 4 months plus ever since I started working on the operating system. 
were you taught everything in fupre 

Prince -  Sincerely, the only thing I've learnt in FUPRE so far that is useful to me in terms of software development is effective problem solving skill, outside that, I wasn't taught any of these in FUPRE. 

what is your biggest challenge 

Prince -  My biggest challenge so far has been power supply and data bundle.  

ya.. power is usually a factor, so for young programmers out there what is your advice

Prince -  Well my advice to other upcoming programmers out there is consistency and determination. Knowing what you want to achieve, and when you want to achieve them and how to achieve your desired goal is one of the vital role that every aspiring software developer should adopt. You are at your best when your at yourself, however bad and hard life / situation may seem, don't fail to keep trying until you finally get it right; even when you get it right, remember that life is more than what you think it is than just getting a simple but tasking program right. There's no boundary in human pastime, you can always get better if you believe you can.  

lets talk about your department, mathematics and computer science... I guess you have seen your syllabus... pretty impressive.. if you could add one course to your syllabus.. what course would that be and why? 

Prince -  Hmmm...sounds great, focusing on my current level(200) if I am to add any course to my syllabus, I would rather reduce the number of mathematics and replace it with courses like  Elementary of cloud computing and internet of things  simply because we offer too many maths courses and even forgot that we never applied to study mathematics instead of computer science.  

Obviously you are going to be busy, managing your website and OS... but, we just have  to ask what can we expect next from you. 

Prince -  For now, the only thing I would develop in months time is the e-commerce mobile apps. 

Nice talking to you Mr. Prince, good luck in future endeavors. 

Prince Ekemini Darlington 
PHONE NUMBER: 08141261989 
EMAIL : ekemini@weyd.com.ng 


  1. Wow. We still have hope of a better Nigeria. I know that there is more to be developed and great minds alike to do it. This is just the beginning.

  2. "you might not build a satellite but you can build something"- my stance
    this is incredible

  3. overnight success comes after years of work, keep up the good work bro

  4. Leave the country as quickly as possible else your talent would waste.

    I have heard stories of many people who developed Linux based OS as students but non of them are Nigerians and most of them are working with Facebook, Microsoft and Google today

  5. I had a glimpse of Wat you were doing yesterday... I asked you and you said you doing some sort of php... I really applaud you bro... The sky is your starting.... There's a new university in Abuja in need of programmers to set up their data base... Never knew you were as good as this
    When we see we would talk well
    Big ups

    1. Thanks...bro here is my contact ekemini@weyd.com.ng
