Akaawase Bernard, a recent graduate of the Department of Marine Engineering, Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun FUPRE, during his days as a Fupre Student derived a scientific constant that is now certified and accepted internationally. The constant is a parameter that has the value of 0.07. HIS STATEMENT Over the years west African sea state prediction has been wrongly carried out by using models that are ought to be used for only north sea e.g JONSWAP PM etc. I got a revelation, which birthed the outcome, I needed a formula that could not just predict west African sea state but also calculate energy from wind and wave provided we know frequency. Of Which there is none. So, I had to work on getting a variance density expression that could yield a normal distribution and I extracted data from four locations in west Africa with each field having 12000 samples. And now energy from wind or wave can be calculated provided we have frequency and...